Thursday, May 5, 2011

Saw 2

So far I've gotten four responses to my big contest, which is approximately four more than I thought I would get, so thumbs up for me!  I'm weighing all my options and will figure out soon enough what I'm going to do with this rats nest on my head.  Stay tuned.

GUESS WHAT?!  While C's at school (right now) I decided to come over to the library and chill and read a little, then I thought I would connect with my peeps via the blog, and I'm using a library computer!  I know, this sounds very normal to many people, but trust me, it's crazy!  You should see the guy next to me- can we say scary?  And the woman across from me trying to hide her iced coffee in a paper bag because you can't drink in here.  And the guy watching Saw 2 and getting a little too.. um... excited.  Seriously, I wish you could see this!

Big shout out to R for watching G for me this afternoon so I can experience this library computer freak show.

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