Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hair. It's Happening.

Holla! Through the magic of the internets phone I'm blogging right now at....drumroll please....my hair appointment! Sad news for you guys, no one won the hair contest. A shout out to Amy P for some super cute style suggestions, though. I'm sort of mish-mashing all of them together into one style. So, Amy is the pseudo winner, and the winner gets to drink wine with me at House Wine... since I'll be there anyway.

I'm at a local shop called Cut Color Style (I'll link to it later when I'm on a real life computer) and Beth is working her magic. I've promised (read: warned) her that I'm going to blog about how it turns out. I'll post a pic as soon as it's done. Think RHNY's Kelly Bensimone. People often get us confused anyway so I'm embracing it.

1 comment:

A.P. said...

a date with you at House Wine is EXACTLY what I need! we'll make it happen. :) can't wait for pictures