Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday Confessional

It's Friday Confessional time!  I can't think of much off the top of my head, but I'll give it a shot...


I Confess: Last night I got to hold our neighbors nine week old little baby boy for the first time and I didn't get baby fever.  What a strange feeling.  Is this what it means to know when "you're done"?  I mean, I would like to have another baby (cough-boy-cough) but I don't really want to do the whole baby thing again.  I like sleeping too much.

I Confess: I've been SUPER crafty lately (mostly in my head, not actually doing things that are crafty) and yesterday I actually started a project!  My mom recently found a wrought iron table and set of four chairs at a yard sale for $15 (!!!!) but it's that hunter green eew gross color.  I figured I would paint it black but then I saw this on one of my favorite blogs and decided to go for something different.  I'll post pictures as soon as it's done.

I Confess: I went to Jeni's twice in two days this week.  This is not helping my dreams of losing weight.  Notice I called it a dream, I'm not really doing anything about it, so it would be considered a dream.  I am getting no-fat/no-whip lattes at Starbucks.  I suppose that counts for something.

I Confess: The Jeni's website is in my favorites bar.  I suck.

Now what do you have to confess?  Leave it in the comments please!  Kthanksbye.


Alex Raabe said...

the new Jeni's flavors are a dream come true. But I suppose you've already had them like me.

dottie said...

I failed miserably today and stopped for my beloved Caribou this morning.

No more babies for me. My 3 are enough. I love sleeping too much as well! I could fall asleep in a room full of people if you give me a blanket.

Happy Friday!!

Mamarazzi said...

i confess...i am not a big fan of icecream but now i want some.

it. is. all. your. fault.

thanks for linking up your fabulous confessions!

Mamarazzi said...

oh i went to reply to your comment on my blog, i always like to reply via email and your email address is not enabled.

did you know that?

this means that you spend so much time leaving lovely comments on people's blogs and they have no way of responding to a question or thanking you for stopping by or just continuing the conversation...because instead of your email address all they see is "no-reply comment".

sad right?

you can fix that if you like.

just go to your dashboard, click edit profile and click show email address and then click save profile.


and i PROMISE if you change this blogging will get even better and become even more fun!

A.P. said...

so i guess i'll just have to get knocked up any day now and fill the baby void for you. plus, i'm gonna need A LOT of help in this town as I have no idea how to be pregnant. except that I will be living less than a mile from Jeni's and we can go there EVERY.DAY.

kel said...

The project sounds awesome!

Amanda and Josh said...

Add a craft page to your blog! I would love it. I've been scrapbooking, and trying new things in the kitchen!