Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Girl In The Raspberry Frames

Because my computer is still trying to break my spirit, I've had to find a way around it's stubbornness.  I had to email this picture from my phone to my blog in order to get it on here, so it's not the best... BUT... LOOK HOW CUTE!

At C's 5 year checkup with her pediatrician in March she failed her vision test.  She had an appointment with the pediatric ophthalmologist on Tuesday at 7:40am (I feel this is important for you to know, 7:40 is really early for a doctors appointment!) and apparantly she has a "pretty good" astigmatism in both eyes.  D and I felt terrible that we never noticed that her vision wasn't fine, but the doctor assured us that it's very normal and she was used to the way she saw the world so she didn't complain.  So sad.

We went that evening to pick out her glasses and of course, she picked pink- aka raspberry.  Raspberry sounds so much cuter.  I tried and tried to get the amazingly adorable preppy Polo frames, but I couldn't argue with her.  She's the one wearing them, after all.*  She does look so cute, though!  G is extremely jealous that C has glasses and has been wearing these Jackie O style sunglasses 24/7 since Tuesday.  If my computer didn't hate me I would post a picture of G in her sunnies.  Better luck next time.

C wore them to school for the first time yesterday and was really excited... until we got there.  She is a very outgoing kid that doesn't mind to be the center of attention (not unlike her mother), but yesterday she was feeling a little bit self conscious as the kids stared and asked "What's wrong with your eyes?"  I told them that C was lucky enough to get glasses and she got to pick out whichever ones she wanted and aren't you jealous you little brat?  Ok, not that last part, but that's what I wanted to say.

*I'm buying the Polo glasses this weekend.  She will wear them... I think.


Amanda and Josh said...

She looks gorgeous!!

A.P. said...

I love her raspberry frames, and the Polo ones are super cute as well! Having two pairs is essential...they will get a lot of wear and tear even though I know she will do an excellent job taking care of them. And, when she has 2 REALLY COOL different pairs that she can pick and choose from, the brats will be jealous that she has the cool mom, and she's the (already) cool kid that gets not one but TWO cool pairs of glasses. Remind her of that! :)