Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Noah's Ark

This week is "N" week in C's class.  All of the kids bring in something that starts with the letter N for show-and-tell, and they read books and do art projects based around the letter of the week.  Because C goes to a catholic school, many of her projects are based on bible stories.  This week has been about Noah's Ark, here is a picture of today's project:

As we were driving home I was asking the usual after-school questions- What did you do today? Nothing.  Who did you play with? No one.  Did you learn anything new today? No.- and getting the usual answers.  I finally got somewhere when I asked if they talked about Noah's Ark.

"Yeah.  Noah had a huge boat and he took a whole bunch of animals on it and he had places for them to sleep and places for them to do their business.  And he took his wife."

Ah, the mind of a four year old!  She was also telling me about how they still have a subway teacher (aka substitute teacher) and she's really pretty and young like when I used to be in college.  Thanks for the reminder, C.

In G news, as I was folding laundry and the sun was shining through the window onto the wall I spotted something.  See if you can see it...

Those are two footprints on the wall behind the couch.  G footprints to be exact.  I don't know how they got there (and I don't think I want to know) because they're pretty high up on the wall, but the wall has been wiped clean.  I wonder what the rest of the day has to bring?


Christina said...

Funny! I always ask Claire about her day too. Since she never said much, I started aksing her what her favorite and least favorite things in her day were....she seems to have more feedback with those questions.

KB said...

I'll have to start trying those questions with her. She's like a steel trap, we get no info at the end of the day!

Amanda and Josh said...

Josh's nephew always comes home from kindergarten with amazing stories, his sister in law always posts them on facebook!!

I'm glad Noah took his wife with him!