Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where Have I Been? Cleaning Up Pee.

I've been in a bit of a blogging rut lately.  Usually when that happens I blog about random things and that helps me get back on track.  Here goes:

1.  D has been working crazy hours.  Last night he got home earlier than expected (about 10:30) and I was glad to see him... mostly. I had to stop watching Teen Mom.  Anyway, as soon as walked in the door G woke up crying.  She was having a bad dream and was totally out of it so I picked her up to try to calm her down.  She started peeing, all over me and the floor.  I caught as much pee as I could with my hand (go ahead, throw up, I don't blame you) while D stood there in his suit looking all panicked and I ran to the bathroom.  The toilet seat was down and with one hand full of pee, the other hand holding the pee-er, and D still trying to figure out what kind of a horror movie he walked in on, I couldn't get the seat up.  So I did what anyone in that situation would do- I let her pee in the sink.  It was disgusting,  I used various different products by the name of Clorox to clean up.  D went to get her clean PJ's and undies and somehow in his frazzled state he put C's undies on G.  This morning she went to the bathroom and I heard, "What da heck?  Why am I weawing C's undies?"

2.  G had her first full day (2.5 hours) of preschool yesterday.  She loves loves loves school, but hated the snack.  I'm still trying to figure out what exactly they had, but according to G it was teddy bears with cinnamon on it, and she didn't like it because the cinnamon was too "saucy".  Hmmm.  Regardless, she's looking forward to tomorrow and has requested that she be dressed in a collar shirt. 

3.  Last weekend was the big Red and White Army Ball, and was fab-u-lous.  Fabulous!  D is in a cavalry troop now, and this was the first cav ball that we've been to.  It was sooo different from any of the others, but in a good way!  They have lots of traditions that are unique to the cav and it was really fun for both of us to experience those for the first time together.  We're both looking forward to many (at least three) more years with the cav.

I brought along my flip video thingy and my camera to fully document the evening.  I proceeded to leave the flip in the hotel room and not put the memory card into the camera.  Sweet.  I got zero pictures of the whole night- so disappointing!  I tried to take pics with my iPhone but it doesn't have a flash so none of them turned out.  I wore this little number** (including the belt), paired with big vintage earrings, a killer vintage clutch and leopard shoes.  It was adorable, you just have to trust me on that.  D killed it in his uniform, naturally.

**Edit, the dress is now out of stock on Banana's website (naturally, the whole world reads this blog), so here's a picture:

The BEST part of the ball is always people watching.  You wouldn't believe what some of these women wear.  D has been in the Army for 11 years and we've been to quite a few balls.  I have a pretty good idea of how to dress appropriately.  Some of the young girlfriends (and wives) could use a crash course in what NOT to wear.  Yikes to boobs and glitter.

4.  Our dating anniversary was this weekend, September 11.  Not the best anniversary to have, but it's not a wedding anniversary, it's just the day that an awkward 17 year old said "Will you be my girlfriend?" on the street in front of my parents house. We had taken his nine month old sister to an all-you-can-eat buffet, and I (also 17) got to do my first finger sweep when she choked on a roll.  Good times.  Clearly he knew right then that I was wife material.  That was 13 years ago, and we're still finger-sweeping babies and eating at buffets... occasionally.  I celebrated our anniversary with a three hour solo trip to Ikea- it was lovely!

That's all for now, I think this broke me out of my anti-blog funk.  Now, show me some love in the comment section.  OH, one more thing I forgot!  I **might** be bringing in someone to guest post soon.  You should definitely be holding your breath!  Kthanksbye.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The School Sisters

C started kindergarten the week before last, and she super heart loves it,  I wonder how long that will last!  She goes to a catholic school and wears uniforms, at first I was unsure how I would feel about the whole uniform thing, but after going to ONE store for back to school shopping I was sold.

Here's how C's first day went down...

Daddy woke her up early so I could blind her like the paparazzi

Dressed and ready to go

Walking to class... I wonder if she'll let me do this on the first day of high school?

After C was off at school G knew what needed to be done- Starbucks and a hairbrush.  Stat.

Today was G's first day of preschool!  They did a one hour visit rather than a regular (2.5 hour) day as a "don't worry we aren't going to abandon you" kind of thing.  I was apprehensive about how she would do, she's definitely the more clingy of the two, but she did fine.  She gave me a kiss and was off to check out what the place had to offer.  She's no fool, after listening to C's stories about school for three years she was ready to have some fun!

D was home for a bit before she had to leave, he's missed a lot of the school stuff this year so he was excited to get to see her this morning

Me and G.  What's my shoe doing??
Big girl!
Thumbs up!  She went all Alex P. Keaton after this and made me button her top button.

What she would have liked to wear today.

And she's off... never looked back.

G starts having full days at school next week.  I wonder what I'll do with all that free time!?  All 2.5 hours of it.