Saturday, August 20, 2011

Top Six

I'm supposed to be studying for my finals right now, but I'm feeling like I've neglected the blog so I'm going to throw this out there...

1. G turned three on Tuesday.  Time really flies.  I know everyone says that, but I don't think you can fully understand what that means until you have kids.  I feel like I was pregnant with her yesterday, how can she already be three years old?  I'll have pics of her birthday up soon, her party is tomorrow so I want to have pics from that too before I blog about it.  You should be holding your breath.

2. G is having some unexplained medical issues right now.  It's pretty much consuming every thought in my life.  She'll have an MRI on Thursday and we're praying like all hell that it comes back okay.  Can you pray like hell?  I don't think you can because that would be a contradiction... but that's the only way I can describe it.

3. It's finals week.  So, that sucks.  But I've already finished (and turned in) two papers, and in one of my classes the final paper is the final, so I'm done with that class.  I have two finals on Tuesday and then I'm done for the quarter!  That means only four more quarters until I graduate!  Now if I could only concentrate on something other than G, I might be able to actually study for my finals.

4. C starts KINDERGARTEN on Wednesday!!  Holy crap.  She's going to real school... not like three days a week for a half a day school, real life school.  She wants me to pack her a chicken sandwich on her first day of school.  This is funny to me for two reasons.  1. She has never had a chicken sandwich before because she says it's disgusting; and 2. She will hate it.  I have to figure out how I'm going to handle this situation.  They make a very nice hot lunch at her school, but she is her mother's daughter and she wouldn't buy that shit for a million dollars.  Smart girl.

5. I mentioned earlier that G's birthday party is tomorrow.  D is out of town (because that's his normal state recently) and so I'm on my own putting this thing together.  It's going to be in the back yard and the kids are just going to play on the swing set and in the pool (blowup pool... don't get your hopes up for a real pool) and I'm going to keep it simple.  BUT, if people are going to be in the yard that means that the grass has to be cut.  With D being gone, that task was left for me to do today.  When I got out there and surveyed the mower I found that the blade was on the highest setting.  Listen here, if I'm going to cut the grass, you're going to be able to tell that I cut the grass.  None of this "cut it on it's highest setting because it's better for the grass" BS.  So I cut the grass like a putting green.  It looks amazing and D is going to die when he sees it... mostly because he's mad.  Whatever, I like it.

6. OH YES, how could I forget.  Our nanny Q U I T today.  Straight up quit.  She gave me one week's notice.  It's not the worst thing in the world because it will get me through finals and give me a couple weeks to find someone before school starts up again, but I'm reeeeeeeeeally going to miss having my laundry done and dinner in the oven when I get home.  I know that makes me sound spoiled and I don't care.  I am.

That's all, I really do have to study now.  The kids are spending the night at my parents and I need to take full advantage of a silent house to spend some time on theories of international relations.

PS, there will be wine involved.


Real Estate by Lisa Castleman said...

You are precious, Sweet Kate. I will pray to the amazing God who rules over everything that G will have nothing...absoultely nothing to concern her parents, that this is an unexplained epiosde.

And, yes, the time does go by so quickly. Hold on to every moment and savor every victory with D, C & G!

A.P. said...

you happen to know someone. who has been a nanny. who is unemployed. who loves your girls. hmmmm.