Thursday, August 11, 2011

Asbestos Fan

Hi internets!  I got all emo on you guys last post, sorry for that.  I needed to vent and cried for like four days straight and now I feel better.  Who's emo now?  Not this guy!

Today is the day that I've been praying for since May 31st, we're getting a NEW AIR CONDITIONER!!!  Our old one has been limping along and putting out a good effort but on the days when it's been like 500,000 degrees outside (aka 90) it's been like 89 degrees in our house.  Not cool.  I had to steal some fans from my parents basement and one of them appears to be from 1974 and is probably blowing asbestos through the house.  Don't worry, I put the asbestos fan in my room instead of the girls room, I'm a responsible parent.  After today's major install of the new AC unit, asbestos fan will go back to it's home in the dark corner of my parents basement.  It won't be missed.

The Culprit.  I've got my eye on you, asbestos fan.
Unfortunately the man installing our AC unit is extremely unfriendly... I can't imagine why!  I think it's awesome to hang out in my creepy basement and roll around in the dirt next to my deck!  His mood has no effect on me, though.  My dad gave me a case of mocha frappuccino and I'm working on number four this morning.  Let's just say I'm bouncing off the damn wall with caffeine and good mood!  Hence all the exclamation points! !! !!!

In other news, C and G had a dentist appointment this week.  C love love loves the dentist, and it was G's first ever appointment and she was super excited.  She wanted to go first so she hopped up in the dentist chair, started to cry and decided to throw her sister to the wolves first.  C was fine with that and chose cookie dough toothpaste (gag me) and orange fluoride (double gag).  What a yummy combo (dry heave). 

The professional dental patient
When it was G's turn she was still a bit apprehensive, check out the death grip on the arm rest and the nervous frown:

Her "Get me out of here" look

But she got into the swing of things once she strawberry toothpaste and strawberry fluoride (much better choices than her sister) started flowing.

When it was all over she said her teeth felt "shiny", I was proud of both of them for being so brave!

I can feel my blood sugar crashing, time for another frappuccino. Bye.


dottie said...

Ha, ha! Love the death grip. That's how my oldest was.

Enjoy your caffeine my dear!

Terri said...

Beautiful girls, glad they have 'shiny feeling' teeth. The fan photographs nicely, too. Glad for your cool. ;-)