Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Being Old

I worked really hard yesterday to get all of my homework done for today so I actually have a relaxing break for about 40 minutes between classes.  What does this mean for you?  You can fill your brain with more of my useless ramblings...

Today I'm going to tell you what is different about going to school when you're 30 (on Friday, give me birthday presents, don't forget) rather than when you're 18.
1. The thought of going to a study group for 6-8 hours on a Saturday is comical.  I will actually laugh in your face if you suggest it.  My Saturday is spent doing things in my "real" life.
2. People ask me things about cleaning.  I'm not even kidding.  Today this sweet girl asked me if I knew how to get this stain out of her jeans.  Why?  Because I'm old that automatically means I know how to get stains out??  I told her how.  Sad.
3.  I've managed to bully my classmates into doing the reading for me and just telling me what it says.  I'm not 100% sure how I did this, but it worked and I'm not doing any reading for one of my classes, and their report on the reading is due to me on Thursday by 6pm.
4. I never touch the glass when entering or exiting a door.  Do you know how hard it is to keep glass clean with 60,000 people putting their grubby hands all over it?!  Well I do (see #2).
5. I have to go to the bathroom like a million times a day.  I cannot physically sit through an hour and 45 minute class without getting up at least twice. 

That's all for now, there's much more but I have to go pee.  Again.

1 comment:

Amanda and Josh said...

I wish I could bully people into doing my reading... maybe in 5 years!

I also can't make it through a whole class without using the restroom at least once.

Have you started making fun of people that "get dressed" and put on makeup for class yet? That's my favorite thing to do.

One more, today instead of taking notes I made a grocery list. The girl beside me, who is 19 started at me the whole time.