Here's how it went down:
We drove this year because G is two now so I would have had to pay for a plane ticket for her (not happening). I was a wee bit nervous about how the kids would do in the car but was pleasantly surprised, they were traveling champions! We left here at 3:45 am and got to our beach house at 6 pm, and each of them napped for a mere half hour in the car. I'm not even joking. But it wasn't too bad. Lots of rot-your-brain Disney movies and melted crayons all over the new car seats, but no crying so I'm willing to take that trade.
The kids ruining my car |
G hated the sand (much like her Daddy) and it took the whole week to get her comfortable to walk from our beach tent down to the water. She loved the water, it was walking through the sand to get to the water that she hated. She spent a lot of time in a baby pool on the beach, it was her rinsing place when the sand became too unbearable.
G in her "safe place" |
C is a beach nut and loved every minute of everything that had to do with being at the beach, especially boogie boarding with Grandpa. My poor dad was ready for a vacation from the vacation by the time the kids were done with him.
Again, Grandpa! Again! Again! Again! Again! |
Take that, Uncle M |
C modeling my gift from the ocean |
We ate at our favorite restaurant, and one not-so favorite one where my brother J tried to show my other brother M that it was okay to eat that crab whole. "It's a soft shell crab. You can eat that thing whole." After five minutes of crunching and a bit of bleeding in the esophagus he determined that it was not, in fact, a soft shell. Woops.
One thing I learned this week was that if you have long articles on Chinese foreign relations to read for a class that you're taking, don't drink my dad's Caribbean Punch (that has four shots of rum before I added more because it didn't taste strong enough) with lunch right before you try to read. I woke up two hours later with my head on the table, a permanent scar in my cheek from my wedding ring, and still on the first paragraph.
The week was great, the kids and I had a great time. We missed D but he was home making the money to allow me to buy expensive dresses at the Michael Kors store. Thanks, D. Also, I'm really happy to be able to shower alone again. I showered with the girls twice a day for six days and it wasn't my fav. I'm probably going to have to go to the
The movies in the car? Lifesaver's, the less they talk the better. I feel terrible saying that but I can't help it. There is something about being in the car for long periods of time with children that just gets me.
Totally can't stop laughing about the sunglasses.
I also had to "shower with children". I hate "the stare". I just try and make it go as fast as possible.
Um, fat DOES look better tan. Same theory over here!
I'm so glad there are Mom's like me out there!! Loved it.
Considering everything, I'm very glad I didn't show up in this post!
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