I Confess: There is a girl in one of my classes and she looked soooo familiar but I couldn't place her. And then it hit me. She was on season 2 of 16 and Pregnant on MTV!! I almost DIED! I'm not going to be able to stop staring at her for the rest of the quarter. I want to be her friend so I can be on the "where are they now" show. As soon as class was over I called my trashy tv addict bestie R but she wasn't answering and I had to tell someone so I called D. He was at work and didn't find it as shocking or amusing as I did, I believe he used the word "disturbing" to describe the phone call. Whatevs.
I Confess: The people that work at the Disney store are so bizarre, I went in there yesterday to get a beach towel for G and the man child that worked there called me a princess. Ick.
I Confess: We're leaving for the beach tonight (minus D who has to work) and this morning I walked in to the girls room as they were waking up and the first thing C said to me was, "Vacation today, holla!" Where does she learn this stuff? I don't say holla... that much.
I Confess: I think that C is going to be a really good artist, and I'm not saying that because I'm her mother. She's really creative and the things that she draws are so funny. You know how last week I told you that I'm obsessed with Jeni's? Look what she drew for me (and cut out and taped to the fridge) this week:
Click on it to see where the design came from |
I Confess: I've been up since 5am for no reason. G woke up because her hand fell asleep and I think she accidentally punched herself in the face with it, and I couldn't get back to sleep. Soooo, I watched this week's Housewives of NY aaaand Unseen moments from OC aaaand Million Dollar Decorators all before everyone got up this morning. With all of my homework I think I'm going to have to get up at 5:00 every morning to get my Bravo fix.
I Confess: I almost bought a $150 dual dvd player for the car yesterday, but instead I bought a mount for the single portable one we already have and it only cost me $31. Hollaaaaa!