Monday, June 20, 2011

College, Day 1

No capitals, that's how tired I am.  Today was my first day back to school and I'm thinking that with all of the walking and lack of time to eat I'll loose about 100 lbs this quarter.*  Approximately.  It was a great day and I think I'm going to like all of my classes.  One of the TA's brought donuts and the other said he'll bring them on Wednesday (after checking that none of us have nut allergies- he gets bonus points for that, the other girl could have killed someone with her peanut encrusted goodies today), so if that's a sign of how the quarter is going to unfold, it can't be bad, right?

Some observations that I have from my first day as a 29 year old college student:

1. Someone needs to teach young girls that using a colored pen (specifically purple or orange, both of which I saw today) makes you look stupid.  I'm going to assume you're stupid if you use a purple pen, that's just the way it is.

2. Someone needs to send the weather guys at NBC 4 back to school for a few classes on, oh, I don't know... PREDICTING THE WEATHER!  When they told me it would be 86 degrees today I dressed accordingly.  When it was 72 and rainy I froze my ass off.  Thanks a lot weather guys.

I'll have more observations to share with you as the days go on, but that's all for today.

The girls did well today.  C kind of freaked out when she got up and learned that I was "gone at college" because her reference to going to college is Andy in Toy Story 3 when he leaves all of his toys behind.  She was panicked.  D did his best to explain that I would be home and hadn't left them all behind, and this was further reinforced when I called her to say that I would be home after naps.  She was okay with that.

The best part of my day first day at school was the smiling and waving little faces as I pulled in the driveway... and this:

*I didn't eat the donuts, I don't take donuts from strangers.


Elisabeth said...

Damn. I guess I shouldn't go ahead with my back-to-school gift for you: a Trapper Keeper and some multi-colored pens.

Elisabeth said...

Oh, and I LOVE the treats, card, and flowers. :)

A.P. said...

yay!! :D

Amanda and Josh said...

I read your whole blog out loud to my friend Natasha and she laughed so hard she cried! So proud of you!

KB said...

Thanks Amanda! Read alout to Natasha every week, it really boosts my blogging morale!

Beth- send the colored pens, I'll give them to the stupid girls so they think I'm nice.