Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Baby

This is the post with the news in it, which leads to the reason that G got her big girl bed.  No, we aren't having another baby,we're moving!  We've decided that we're city people, and we need to move- goodbye suburbs!  One little problem with moving into the city is that you don't get as much house for your buck, so we'll be downsizing a little... okay, a lot.  The girls will be sharing a room with bunk beds, and we're going from a pretty roomy two story to a ranch.  But it has tons of character and is within walking distance of the library, two parks, shops, restaurants, C's school, and a Dairy Queen (most important).  We're really excited!

So, G had to get a big girl bed right away because we're moving in about three weeks and didn't want to shock her by taking her crib away, making her sleep in a big bed, and sharing a room with her sister all in the same day.  She was on board with getting a big bed so it made our decision pretty easy, big bed ASAP.  Sunday I went out and found a great deal on a really nice mattress (don't need a box spring because it's a bunk bed), and Monday was the big day.  I took a few shots of her last moments with her crib...

Snuggling with puppy

Laughing with C

Goodbye crib!

This was really emotional for me.  There is some finality in taking down the crib. With C, I was pregnant with G so I knew it had to go, but there isn't anyone else now. 

Here is her big girl room (for three more weeks)...

The bed is really low to the ground because it doesn't have a box spring- just one of those weird bunk-bed-under-the-bed-boards, and this isn't permanent bedding, but it'll do for now.  She did really well last night, she went right to bed and did her usual talking and singing herself to sleep, and she slept all night and even slept in a little this morning. 

She's not a baby anymore, but she's still my baby.


A.P. said...

yay city!

Amanda and Josh said...

Such city people. Downsizing is fun!!