I didn't post on C's birthday (Thursday) because we were really busy doing fun birthday stuff, but I did want to show you all how much fun we had as our big girl turned five! This year was the first time she had school on her birthday, which was really sad for me because I would have liked to spend the whole day with her, but I guess it's something we have to get used to with a March birthday. D took the day off of work and we all went to breakfast and took C to school together. She passed out treat bags at school and after school we went to Tim Hortons (or Tim Portons as G calls it) for a birthday donut. Grandma and Grandpa, L, M and A came over for pizza and cake and ice cream. It was a great day!
She's really into dinosaurs
She let G help blow out the candles
Saturday was her BIG birthday party... and I mean big. We always have a very low key at home party with a couple of friends and some cupcakes. Not this year. Five is a pretty big birthday, so we let her have a big party. She invited her entire class (and one friend that isn't in her class) to The Jungle Gym for two hours of jumping, swinging, climbing fun. And they ALL came.... well, except for one little boy who was out of town. It was insane-- 25 four and five year old's! The kids had a great time, but D put it best when he said "We'll do that again at 16 and 21, that's it."
Expert climber in action
Look how long this trampoline is! It was AWESOME!
Blowing out her candles
Her theme was Dinosaurs and she had the coolest cake. I didn't get a picture of it, I was too busy making sure little boys and girls made it to the bathroom on time, but you can kind of see it in the picture above. It was a green brontosaurus made of cupcakes. Adorable! C had a blast and is already thinking about next years party... we've created a monster!
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