Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It's been pointed out to me that I need pictures, and I agree.  So here are some pictures of us:

This is C, on her way out to a protest...

A typical relaxing Saturday morning of drinking coffee and reading the paper...

This was New Years Eve.  We know how to party gaga style!

These last two were from this morning.
G was serenading Sam in her showgirl shoes...

And threatening me with scissors.

From now on I'll try to put pics with the posts.  One last funny thing that happened today: I took C to school and her teacher pulled me aside and thanked me for volunteering to bring treat bags for the Valentines Day party.  She said that C said that I would be "so excited" to do that for the class.  I'm happy to do it, I just thought it was funny that she offered my services, and that the teacher took the offer from a four year old...hmmm.  Makes me wonder what else C is saying at school.

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