This one's going to be random.
As an update:
1. D did not quit his job. Instead he's going to find things to do that he enjoys outside of work. I'm thinking this will lead to a life in the political arena, but we'll see.
2. G is still wearing dresses every day. Last night she wore a Snow White dress to Max & Erma's, and she was stunning.
3. My arm is still not broken.
4. We still don't know what's for dinner. But I did have a breakdown where I apologized to D for not being the wife and stay-at-home-mom that I should be and having dinner on the table for him when he gets home from work every day. He laughed and assured me that wasn't what he was looking for, so I'm breathing a sigh of relief. Although, he also said something along the lines of "I like my own cooking better than yours anyway"... I'm choosing to look past that.
That's it for the update, here's what's going on this week:
C had a dentist appointment this week, it was her third appointment since she first started going to the dentist and she's a pro. The hygienist was really impressed at how clean her teeth were (props to me and D) and she loved having her teeth scrubbed with the cookie dough toothpaste (I find the idea of this flavor repulsive). Last time they tried to take x-rays but her mouth was still too small and the little biter-things made her gag, but this time she fought through the gag reflex and got three beautiful x-rays. I was so proud I cried a little... pathetic, I know! It's the little things. G got to "ride the chair" in preparation for next time when she, too, will get her teeth cleaned. She even let the hygienist poke around in her mouth, so she got to pick a toothbrush- Dora in a samba outfit. C chose a pink Belle toothbrush, which was to be expected.
I'm trying to decide how to bring up the idea of vermicomposting to D. Vermicomposting is basically sticking your food waste in a bin with worms in it to break it down into a fertilizer. Not glamorous, but it is what it is. We've been really good about recycling, and we think it's important to teach the kids that caring for the earth and reusing materials is an important thing, and to me this feels like the next step. As we're taking out the trash much less often than we used to before we recycled (usually about 2x/week, which is great for a family of 4), I've noticed that the food scraps really start to get stinky- especially the banana peels. Eew. So I want to explore vermicomposting as a possibility.
The reason I don't think that D will be enthusiastic about my idea is because we really should keep the composting bin inside while it's so cold out. This means having a bin of rotten food with worms in it somewhere INSIDE of our house. Double eew. But as soon as the weather is warm enough we could move it outside. We'll see how this conversation goes, I might have to give him a few beers before I bring it up!
Last but not least, I cleaned out our master bedroom closet yesterday. I got rid of two HUGE boxes of clothes, shoes, robes, junk, that I'm giving to Goodwill. C helped me and was a really big help, she loaded all of the donated items into the boxes for me. It was nice of her to help, and she did a great job. And now we can see the floor of the closet!
Ok hippy, vermicomposting, really?! Good for you! I love the blog, you are so hilariously funny- always were :) now all you need are some pictures!!
I may be a hippy but my trash won't stink anymore! Glad you liked it :)
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