I swear to you, I could murder the iPad some days. I wrote this whole long nice post yesterday, and even checked my spelling which is rare, and clicked the little publish button and....nothing. It lost the post. So annoying. Anywho, I've decided that the best way for me to blog is to not compose something that is one coherent thought in paragraph form. I'm going to give you what's on my mind, short and sweet in list form. Here you go...
1. I had a great meeting with my advisor yesterday. He told me that if I petition to get out of Hungarian 104 then I can graduate after fall quarter. If not, I'm screwed. Well, he didn't say 'You're screwed', but he should have. Basically XXX University is switching from quarters to semesters beginning
next fall and they're going to convert all the hours I have (if I'm still there and don't graduate after summer quarter) from quarter hours to semester hours and he pretty much told me that I'll lose hours and have to take more classes. NOOOOO! I can't let this happen. So I'm going to petition to get out of Hungarian 104 because it's not offered in the summer, only in the fall, which will be bad. I'm just going to look at them and say "Beszelek nagyon jól magarul!". See if you can figure that one out.
2. D has been gone at training for two weeks and he comes home today, the girls and I are so excited! Today as I was dropping C off at school she hopped out of the car and said "Mrs. M, my daddy comes home today!!!" I almost cried, it was so sweet! All of her teachers know what's going on with the deployment and where D has been for the last two weeks, so Mrs. M was really excited for her and gave her a big high five. So cute!
3. I'm 30 years old and had to purchase teenage girl face scrub for zits. I swear the bottle says 'Boys and parents stressing you out?' Nope, just the universe playing a cruel joke on me. (And this started before #5 happened... don't jump to conclusions.)
4. I'm on the
bone marrow donor registry (as everyone should be, click the link and do the right thing) and every few days they send me an email. Every damn time I see the email address in my inbox I have a minor heart attack thinking that I'm a match. I run through this wild scenario of rushing to the hospital and figuring out who's going to take care of the kids while I'm gone. But it's just a friendly message, usually to remind me to take calcium supplements or something. So stressful, though.
5. Halloween. I feel like I at least need to acknowledge it on the blog. At some point I'll actually post pictures and all that, but in the mean time..... Halloween, we had it. It was fun. The girls were adorable. In the evenings I've been
making myself sick enjoying a candy or two (or twelve) with a glass of wine. I need to find an organization that takes candy donations for the troops. Either that or I need to just head to the mall and buy some new jeans about two sizes bigger than I am now to prepare for what's to come.
6. Halloween candy + wine = tums.
7. I'm addicted to ESPN radio. I don't know why I started listening to it, but I did and now I can't stop. I can tell you anything about any NFL game that's coming up. I can tell you how Suh's meeting with Roger Goodell went yesterday, I can tell you that Theo Epstein is looking at Francona for Cubs manager, I can talk about Manning possibly being traded by the Colts so they can pick up Andrew Luck in the draft.... I know too much, I feel like I'm breaking some kind of girl-code. And I love it.