This weekend was Memorial Day and I finally got to go to the governor's wreath laying ceremony with D. The ceremony honors all of the men and women from Ohio who have lost their lives in the war since last Memorial Day. This is something he's participated in as a member of the military for many years but this year was the first time that I was able to go. He wasn't there in any official capacity, so it was nice to be able to sit together and enjoy/be sad together. The families of the fallen are there and they do a really nice job honoring them and their loved one that has passed.
Other than that, the weekend was H O T. I'm not complaining, oh no, I welcome the burns on my hands from trying to buckle the kids into their scalding hot car seats. What I have a problem with is that our air conditioning stopped working. Booooo! This actually happened a few weeks ago and we told our landpeople (a term I prefer over landlords, they don't own me) and they gave us the "oh yeah we'll call someone but it'll probably be closer to the first of the month, blah blah blaaaah", and we were okay with that at the time because it was about 60 degrees. Yesterday it was 94. In my house. At 10:30 pm. Not okay anymore. Someone is coming over tomorrow to look at it, and by "look at it" I hope they mean sprinkle it with magic fairy dust so it blows cold air into my face. Probably not though. We'll see.
Now, back to weekend activities... the Memorial Day parade was great! Marching bands, lots and lots of veterans, Uncle Sam on a unicycle- C said "I think he lost his focus." I agree 100%. My FAVORITE part of the parade though was the group of people that we sat next to. Ohh.M.G. Rather than being really into the whole Memorial Day theme, they were really into the cars that were in the parade. Like every time a mustang drove by they would all do this weird "yeah- mustanggggg baby!" grunt/cheer thing. So strange. My brother J was sitting the closest to them and this one woman in their group kept getting really really close to him. At one point she had her hand about an inch from his face, D had a great time watching him try not to get a hand or ass shoved in his face. Good times! After the parade was over and we were walking home I saw them cross a busy four lane road and not hold any of their kids hands, the kids were maybe three and four years old. Really quality people.
Big news- tomorrow C is getting her hair cut, and she wants it cut short, "not like a man"- her words, but shorter than it's ever been before. This should be an adventure! I'm taking her to the tree house in heaven, she'll love it! Pictures to follow.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Is It Fall? No?
Well, it's here. Summer break. Kids everywhere are taking stock of their bathing suits and making sure their bike tires and hula hoops are ready to go (I live in 1988). Meanwhile I've been teetering on the verge of excitement and dread in anticipation of today. Dread is a strong word. I don't dread having C and G at home all It's just that C can tend to be a touch emo at times and it's hard for me to deal with without having that 2.5 hour break every day. She was in a terrible mood when I picked her up from school today. They said they gave them chocolate milk and ice cream, I think this was her "crash". This is me trying to get her to take a picture by her cubby.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Blog of Note? Hell yes.
I was just browsing the "blogs of note" on google blogs. Here are a few of them...
1. A blog about the Cornell University basketball team. boring. I was so bored I couldn't capitalize boring. I linked to it so you can fall asleep at your computer.
2. A blog about new bands. Insert eye-roll here.
3. A blog where someone posts random sentences from a random book everyday. This stresses me out. Not sure why, it just does.
4. A cartoonist that just posts drawings. It was all dinosaurs. But no words, just pictures. Does this count as a blog?
Why aren't I a blog of note? I think it's because I only have 13 followers. This is a low number. I know more people are reading this, and I need more followers. If you're reading this, and I haven't chased you away with my small talk and constant complaining, please follow me. I want to be a blog of note!
1. A blog about the Cornell University basketball team. boring. I was so bored I couldn't capitalize boring. I linked to it so you can fall asleep at your computer.
2. A blog about new bands. Insert eye-roll here.
3. A blog where someone posts random sentences from a random book everyday. This stresses me out. Not sure why, it just does.
4. A cartoonist that just posts drawings. It was all dinosaurs. But no words, just pictures. Does this count as a blog?
Why aren't I a blog of note? I think it's because I only have 13 followers. This is a low number. I know more people are reading this, and I need more followers. If you're reading this, and I haven't chased you away with my small talk and constant complaining, please follow me. I want to be a blog of note!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Deployment Survivor. Warning: LONG STORY
My bloggy friend Amanda sent me a link to this military spouse blogger site, and let me tell you, apparently there are about a million milspouse blogs. It's kind of crazy, aka addicting! So one of them that I saw had this deployment survivor button. I'm going to be honest and say that I really don't know much about buttons and what they're for (I kind of think of them as Jennifer Aniston's "flare" in Office Space), but whatever. The button, and the blogs, made me think of our deployment story and this is the perfect time to share. I stole added the button, and here's my story...
We were married on May 22, 2004. We had a really nice wedding with a great (read: drunken) reception and a super relaxing honeymoon. We settled nicely into our post-wedding life, I was working full time for our local school district and D was working full time for the guard in the marketing office. About six weeks after our wedding I was at work and D walked into my office, which was very strange. He should have been at work. I knew immediately what was going on. I was kind of in a daze and he said something like "come on, let's go home", that was the day that changed everything.
There was a unit about two hours away that was already in Iraq but had some empty slots that they needed to be filled, so they pulled D and a few others from the unit he was in to fill the slots. The others that were pulled were great guys that D had become close with over the years, so it was nice for him and for us wives/girlfriends because we already knew each other. They were joining a unit that had been together for a while and let's just say they weren't... um.... welcoming, but it was okay because we had each other. Those bonds would prove to be tested a lot in the months to come. Within a couple of weeks he was at his mob (mobilization) station and ready to deploy. The whole thing went really fast.
He was in Iraq in late July/early August, and I was a newlywed without my husband. I worked all the time to keep busy. I would take Sam (our dog) to work with me on Saturdays when no one else was working, the office would be totally empty and so quiet. Sam would lay next to me on the floor while I typed or filed or did whatever I had to do. It was sad. The weekend days that I didn't work were spent sleeping. I would go to bed at 10 or 11 at night, then sleep until 12 or 1 the following afternoon. Really the only reason I got out of bed was to let Sam out. I would eat breakfast/lunch and take a nap on the couch, then dressed around 5 or 6 and go to my parents house for dinner. Sad. I know that other stuff happened while he was gone, but this is how I remember spending my days. Working or sleeping. And just being sad.
Looking back I definitely think I was depressed. There are so many other things I could have done to pass the time and keep myself preoccupied, but I didn't have any interest in anything. As crazy as it sounds, I almost think it would have been easier to go through if I had a child already. It would be super hard in it's own way, but it would have kept me so busy, I wouldn't have been able to feel sorry for myself... and I really did a lot of feeling sorry for myself. BUT, there was not one minute where I questioned whether or not we would get through it. That wasn't ever a possibility, our relationship status would not be determined by terrorists. Sorry crazy ass terrorists.
D came back in late March and it was great! I talked to him at every stop on the flight home and I really didn't think I would get really emotional when I saw him... silly me! They got back to the mob station and I drove out there to see him as soon as they gave the okay. I drove up to the barracks and I was on the phone with him while he was giving me directions on where to turn and how to find him. It was late in the evening and I pulled up this dark gravel road and there he was in the middle of the road. I almost forgot to put the car in park as I was jumping out. I cried like a baby, a mixture of relief and happiness and emotional exhaustion. It was another week or more before they had the welcome home ceremony and he was actually at home.
And our lives started. Again.
So I decided that I wanted the deployment survivor button, because even though D survived "rockets being shot directly at his face"... his words, not mine... I survived the loneliness and sadness and depression. I pray that we don't have to go through another deployment, but if we do it would be okay. I know now what to do (stuff for myself) and what not to do (self imposed isolation), and I know that we'll both survive. Again.
We were married on May 22, 2004. We had a really nice wedding with a great (read: drunken) reception and a super relaxing honeymoon. We settled nicely into our post-wedding life, I was working full time for our local school district and D was working full time for the guard in the marketing office. About six weeks after our wedding I was at work and D walked into my office, which was very strange. He should have been at work. I knew immediately what was going on. I was kind of in a daze and he said something like "come on, let's go home", that was the day that changed everything.
There was a unit about two hours away that was already in Iraq but had some empty slots that they needed to be filled, so they pulled D and a few others from the unit he was in to fill the slots. The others that were pulled were great guys that D had become close with over the years, so it was nice for him and for us wives/girlfriends because we already knew each other. They were joining a unit that had been together for a while and let's just say they weren't... um.... welcoming, but it was okay because we had each other. Those bonds would prove to be tested a lot in the months to come. Within a couple of weeks he was at his mob (mobilization) station and ready to deploy. The whole thing went really fast.
He was in Iraq in late July/early August, and I was a newlywed without my husband. I worked all the time to keep busy. I would take Sam (our dog) to work with me on Saturdays when no one else was working, the office would be totally empty and so quiet. Sam would lay next to me on the floor while I typed or filed or did whatever I had to do. It was sad. The weekend days that I didn't work were spent sleeping. I would go to bed at 10 or 11 at night, then sleep until 12 or 1 the following afternoon. Really the only reason I got out of bed was to let Sam out. I would eat breakfast/lunch and take a nap on the couch, then dressed around 5 or 6 and go to my parents house for dinner. Sad. I know that other stuff happened while he was gone, but this is how I remember spending my days. Working or sleeping. And just being sad.
Looking back I definitely think I was depressed. There are so many other things I could have done to pass the time and keep myself preoccupied, but I didn't have any interest in anything. As crazy as it sounds, I almost think it would have been easier to go through if I had a child already. It would be super hard in it's own way, but it would have kept me so busy, I wouldn't have been able to feel sorry for myself... and I really did a lot of feeling sorry for myself. BUT, there was not one minute where I questioned whether or not we would get through it. That wasn't ever a possibility, our relationship status would not be determined by terrorists. Sorry crazy ass terrorists.
D came back in late March and it was great! I talked to him at every stop on the flight home and I really didn't think I would get really emotional when I saw him... silly me! They got back to the mob station and I drove out there to see him as soon as they gave the okay. I drove up to the barracks and I was on the phone with him while he was giving me directions on where to turn and how to find him. It was late in the evening and I pulled up this dark gravel road and there he was in the middle of the road. I almost forgot to put the car in park as I was jumping out. I cried like a baby, a mixture of relief and happiness and emotional exhaustion. It was another week or more before they had the welcome home ceremony and he was actually at home.
And our lives started. Again.
So I decided that I wanted the deployment survivor button, because even though D survived "rockets being shot directly at his face"... his words, not mine... I survived the loneliness and sadness and depression. I pray that we don't have to go through another deployment, but if we do it would be okay. I know now what to do (stuff for myself) and what not to do (self imposed isolation), and I know that we'll both survive. Again.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sick. Couch.
I'm sooo sick today. I've been sick on and off for a little over a week, but today was bad. I didn't take C to school, and called E to tell her A couldn't come over today (sorry E). I ate pretty much nothing and laid on the couch all day. I would have begged D to come home from work but he had lots of meetings out of town and I know he wouldn't have been able to cancel and it would have just made him feel bad, so I didn't. I just laid around and felt sorry for myself.
Until G pooped her pants.
And C clogged the toilet.
And I had to get up and handle it. Booooo.
Here's how I feel-

This is what you get if you google sick couch. That couch is so sick.
Until G pooped her pants.
And C clogged the toilet.
And I had to get up and handle it. Booooo.
Here's how I feel-
This is what you get if you google sick couch. That couch is so sick.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tree House In Heaven
So here it is....
(Is there any way to make your arm not look fat when taking a self portrait??)
So here's how it went down. I went with Beth at Cut Color Style and it was like walking into a tree house in heaven. It's in a loft, all white, windows open, breeze blowing through, ipod playing great music... nice. There are only three chairs in the whole place and she and I were the only ones there for a long time, so it was very relaxing. She asked lots of questions and listened to what I wanted, which was pretty much something like "ilikethelengthbuthateitanditbugsmeanditneedstobeblond. waaaaahhhhhh". The color is a work in progress because let's face it, a year of Nice 'N Easy doesn't do great things to hair.
One thing that I loved was that she took the time to show me how to fix it with a flat iron (see picture above). I was so relaxed in her tree house though, the info didn't really stick and I ended up glued to youtube today to remember how to do it. It worked though, and I like it. C and G said I looked like a princess, and that's always a good thing. C is usually really rude and tells me I'm too old to be a princess and I could be Princess Kate's mom. Rude.
Anyway, if you're looking for a place to try and you want to sit in a tree house in heaven, please go see Beth, you'll enjoy yourself. Now, what should my next contest that I pretend is for you but is really for me be? Ideas?
PS, I love reading comments. Hint hint.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Hair. It's Happening.
Holla! Through the magic of the internets phone I'm blogging right now at....drumroll hair appointment! Sad news for you guys, no one won the hair contest. A shout out to Amy P for some super cute style suggestions, though. I'm sort of mish-mashing all of them together into one style. So, Amy is the pseudo winner, and the winner gets to drink wine with me at House Wine... since I'll be there anyway.
I'm at a local shop called Cut Color Style (I'll link to it later when I'm on a real life computer) and Beth is working her magic. I've promised (read: warned) her that I'm going to blog about how it turns out. I'll post a pic as soon as it's done. Think RHNY's Kelly Bensimone. People often get us confused anyway so I'm embracing it.
I'm at a local shop called Cut Color Style (I'll link to it later when I'm on a real life computer) and Beth is working her magic. I've promised (read: warned) her that I'm going to blog about how it turns out. I'll post a pic as soon as it's done. Think RHNY's Kelly Bensimone. People often get us confused anyway so I'm embracing it.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Text Conversation #2
Me: I need to buy more motrin when will you be home
D: 630
Me: whaaaaat??? why so late
D: went in late, i'll start packing up now
Me: it's fine, whatevs. just afraid the kids will get hungry. i'm not feeding them.
One of those days, you know?
D: 630
Me: whaaaaat??? why so late
D: went in late, i'll start packing up now
Me: it's fine, whatevs. just afraid the kids will get hungry. i'm not feeding them.
One of those days, you know?
This is a text I just sent D, just a little glimpse into how my day is going so far...
Saturday, May 7, 2011
They're Only Little Once
C gave me this for Mother's Day, she brought it home from school along with grass growing in a little paper cup. I need this as a reminder now and then...
A Mother's Prayer
...They're only little once, Lord.
Grant me the wisdom to guide them down the path that their feet should take, for I know that they can never turn back and walk those paths with me again. Give me the wisdom to guide their feet so that someday they will be able to walk alone.
...They're only little once, Lord.
Give me the time I need to enjoy them, for I know that after they're grown I'll never have another chance to tell stories and pretend at those tea parties. I'll never have another chance to watch them in a school play or a church sing, or to see them catch that first fish or hit that first home run ball. Give me the time in life's busy schedule to have fun with my children.
...They're only little once, Lord.
Let me be a loving mother. Let me correct and not punish; explain, not scold. Let me know when to correct, and how often, and when it's best just to look the other way. Help me be patient and give me a gentle hand to mold them into better people,
...They're only little once, Lord.
Let me be a good teacher and an even better example. Give me the right words and deeds to teach them of Your everlasting love. Let me tell them Your story and live Your commandments so that they'll long for Your Kingdom and live their lives accordingly.
...For, Lord, they're only little one time--only innocent and trusting and pliable for a space of time-- one minute in an eternity. Let me do my best for them while I have the chance.
-Deborah Jane Thompson
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Saw 2
So far I've gotten four responses to my big contest, which is approximately four more than I thought I would get, so thumbs up for me! I'm weighing all my options and will figure out soon enough what I'm going to do with this rats nest on my head. Stay tuned.
GUESS WHAT?! While C's at school (right now) I decided to come over to the library and chill and read a little, then I thought I would connect with my peeps via the blog, and I'm using a library computer! I know, this sounds very normal to many people, but trust me, it's crazy! You should see the guy next to me- can we say scary? And the woman across from me trying to hide her iced coffee in a paper bag because you can't drink in here. And the guy watching Saw 2 and getting a little too.. um... excited. Seriously, I wish you could see this!
Big shout out to R for watching G for me this afternoon so I can experience this library computer freak show.
GUESS WHAT?! While C's at school (right now) I decided to come over to the library and chill and read a little, then I thought I would connect with my peeps via the blog, and I'm using a library computer! I know, this sounds very normal to many people, but trust me, it's crazy! You should see the guy next to me- can we say scary? And the woman across from me trying to hide her iced coffee in a paper bag because you can't drink in here. And the guy watching Saw 2 and getting a little too.. um... excited. Seriously, I wish you could see this!
Big shout out to R for watching G for me this afternoon so I can experience this library computer freak show.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
This Is Serious.
So here's the deal, I need a haircut. Bad. Check it out...
Ugh, I can barely look at that picture.
I've had a few not so good (ok, terrible) hair experiences in a row, and I need your help. i'm officially in crisis mode, and this is now officially a contest. Here's how it will work...
In the comments of this post:
1. Tell me who does your hair and why you love them, and why you think I would love them.
2. Please give me some ideas of what to do with this hair... I'm talking cut, color, everything.
If I choose your hair dresser (or your mom, or whoever you tell me to choose) I'll write a post about how awesome it was, and maybe *hopefully* get them to give you a free haircut... a girl can dream, right?! I'm totally willing to drive to wherever this hair healer may be, as long as it's in Ohio... or Indiana... look, I'm desperate.
I have a backup plan just in case none of you care, which is a very real possibility. I made an appointment for next Tuesday with someone around here, but they didn't come recommended from anyone, and let's face it, I have terrible hair-dresser-guesser luck. I'll cancel the appointment if you guys have some good suggestions.
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