Monday, February 6, 2012

Out of the Woods

This deployment has been really hard.  I'm trying so hard to be patient with the kids, especially C who had a really difficult time adjusting.  Last week was the best week she's had and she started this week with a great day today.

I've been feeling like maybe we're out of the woods.  Maybe we'll do okay and it won't be as hard as I imagined it would be... as I was afraid it would be, especially after the horrible weeks we had after D left. 

But I've been afraid to say it outloud, thinking I would jinx our progress.  Afraid that she would slip back into screaming and meltdowns. 

Today as I was putting her to bed I gave her a hug and she whispered in my ear...

 "Mom, you're doing a great job."

That made it all okay.  We're out of the woods.